What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble you can play for ?Since there are an enormous 1,512 entries, your best option is 'cecopexy' which scores 24 points.
What is the most unusual word that starts with 'ce'?Undoubtedly one of the most stand out words from this list of words that start with 'ce' is 'celtic'. It means "Of or pertaining to the Celts; as, celtic people, tribes, literature, tongue. [Written also Keltic.] The language of the Celts. Note: The remains of the old Celtic language are found in the Gaelic, the Erse or Irish the Manx, and the Welsh and its cognate dialects Cornish and Bas Breton.".
What's the largest word you can assemble using words that start with 'ce'?'Cephalothoracopagus' is the biggest word that we could find.
In total, how many words are possible to make using this list?You can select up to 1,512 words using our page of words that start with 'ce'.
What's the most popular word for this page?A popular word for the combination you searched is 'certain'.