What's the highest scoring word in Scrabble you can play for ?Given there are a myriad of words to select from, we would advise opting for 'embezzle' which scores 30 points.
What's an unusual word on this list?Undoubtedly one of the most weird words from this list of words that start with 'em' is 'emulsic'. The dictionary defines it as "Pertaining to, or produced from, emulsin; as, emulsic acid. Hoblyn.".
Which word in particular from this list consists the highest number of characters?The biggest word that's possible to construct from this list is 'emblematicalness', which is made up of 16 characters.
What's the most popular word that starts with 'em' in the dictionary?The most popular word is 'employed', which is actually the 1643rd most popular word in this list.
How many acceptable words are possible to make using the combination specified?There are up to a maximum of 1,103 entries on this page.