Which word on this page ranks as the most popular?The most popular word for your search is 'had'.
How many characters does the largest word on this page contain?'Haemoconcentration' has 18 characters, and is the longest word possible to make from the combination searched for.
What is the max number of words you're able to make from this combination of letters?You can go with up to 2,850 entries for this page.
Is there an example word from this page which could be considered as unusual?You can choose a number of unusual words on this page, albeit our favorite word at the moment is 'hawse'. The definition of 'hawse' is as follows: "1. A hawse hole. Harris. 2. (Naut.) (a) The situation of the cables when a vessel is moored with two anchors, one on the starboard, the other on the port bow. (B) The distance ahead to which the cables usually extend; as, the ship has a clear or open hawse,...". Credit to the Oxford Dictionary.
What's the highest scoring word in Scrabble available on this page ?As there are an enormous 2,850 entries, your best option is 'hazzanim' scoring 31 points.