Words beginning with 'hak'

There are 17 words that are possible to use from the dictionary for this search.

3 letter words

  • hak

4 letter words

  • hake
  • hako
  • haku

5 letter words

  • hakam
  • hakea
  • hakes
  • hakim
  • hakka

6 letter words

  • hakdar
  • hakeem
  • hakims

7 letter words

  • hakamim
  • hakeems

8 letter words

  • hakafoth

10 letter words

  • hakenkreuz

13 letter words

  • hakenkreuzler

How many characters does the largest word on this list contain?
There are 13 letters in the word 'hakenkreuzler', which makes it the longest word veryceleb has.

What's the highest scoring word in Scrabble available on this page ?
Our suggestion for a score of 21 points is playing the word 'hakafoth'.

How many usable words can you make using the combination you've searched for?
There are 17 words you could use for words that start with 'hak'.

Which is the most unusual word that starts with 'hak'?
By far the most peculiar word from this list is 'hakim'. The definition of 'hakim' is as follows: "A wise man; a physician, esp. A Mohammedan. [India] A Mohammedan title for a ruler; a judge. [India]".