Words beginning with 'ivr'

We're afraid we have not so great news, there are only 2 results possible for words beginning with 'ivr'.

5 letter words

  • ivray

7 letter words

  • ivresse

What's the highest score you're able to get in Scrabble from this list of words beginning with 'ivr'?
With sadly a small number of words possible, you can only use 'ivray' for a score of 11 points.

Which word that starts with 'ivr' is the most popular word in the dictionary?
'Ivresse' is the most popular word from this that start with 'ivr', ranked 78071st most common word.

What is the max number of words you're able to create using words that start with 'ivr'?
From this page of words that start with 'ivr', we have found 2 brilliant entries which are available overall.

What is the biggest word you can derive from this list?
The biggest word one could derive from words that start with 'ivr' is 'ivresse', and it consists 7 letters.