What is the highest score you could get in Scrabble using this list of words beginning with 'le'?With the amount of words to choose from, you'll want to try 'lezghian' which scores 21 points.
What is the maximum number of words you can put together using this combination of letters?You can make 1,875 words with this combination.
Which word on this page is the most popular?According to our database, the most common word in the dictionary that start with 'le' is 'le'!
What word from this page is the most unusual?'Lecama' definitely stands as the most interesting word from our list of words that start with 'le'. 'Lecama''s definition is "The hartbeest.", according to the English dictionary.
What is the biggest word you can create from this list?The largest word is 18 letters, which is 'lepidopterological'.