Which word on this page contains the highest number of letters?The biggest word you can assemble from this combination is 'onomatopoetically', and it has 17 characters.
In Scrabble, what's the best score possible from this list of words which start with 'on'?With countless words from which to select, you should go for 'onymize' scoring 21 points in total.
What word that starts with 'on' is the most interesting?The most notable word in our opinion is 'ongoing'. 'Ongoing''s definition is "The act of going forward; progress; (pl.) affairs; business; current events. The common ongoings of this our commonplace world, and everyday life. Prof. Wilson.", according to the English dictionary.
Which word on this page ranks as the most popular?As far as popular words go, there's 'on', which is the 21st most popular word.
In total, how many words are there using the combination of letters specified?There are 325 words.