What is a peculiar word from this page of words that start with 'pa'?You'll note a number of weird words on this page, albeit our favorite word is 'paraphrastical'. It is defined as "Paraphrasing; of the nature of paraphrase; explaining, or translating in words more clear and ample than those of the author; not literal; free. -- Par`a*phras"tic*al*ly, adv.".
How many characters does the longest word on this list consist of?The biggest word that's possible to construct from this list is 'pathologicopsychological', which is made up of 24 characters.
In Scrabble, what is the highest possible score you can get using this list of words which start with 'pa'?With a massive 5,769 entries, your best choice is 'palazzi' which scores 27 points in total.
What's the most popular word that starts with 'pa'?The most common word for the combination you searched is 'part'.
How many usable words can you put together using words that start with 'pa'?It is possible to make 5,769 words using the combination of words that start with 'pa'.