How many words is it possible to make using the combination requested?From this list of words that start with 'ru', we have found 891 combinations that are available altogether.
What is the most popular word that starts with 'ru' in the dictionary?Our database reveals the most popular word that start with 'ru' is 'run'.
In Scrabble, what's the highest number of points possible using words beginning with 'ru'?As there are a vast 891 entries, we would recommend choosing 'rumbooze' which scores 21 points.
What's a weird word from the word combos available on this list?You'll note a number of unusual words on this page, although our favorite word at the moment is 'rubicon'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'rubicon' means "A small river which separated Italy from Cisalpine Gaul, the province alloted to Julius Cæsar. Note: By leading an army across this river, contrary to the prohibition of the civil government at Rome, cæsar precipitated the civil war which resulted in the death of Pompey and the overthrow of the...".
How many letters are in the biggest word on this list?'Rudimentariness' is made up of 15 characters, and is the longest word that's possible to make from this combination.