What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble you can play for ?With an extensive 173 entries, your best option is to choose 'tamachek' scoring 19 points.
What's the maximum number of words you can create using this combination of letters?There are up to a maximum of 173 entries on our list of words which start with 'tam'.
What's the most common word for this page?A popular word for your request is 'tame'.
How many letters are in the longest word from this page?The longest word is 15 characters long, which is 'tameheartedness'.
What is an interesting word that starts with 'tam'?The most weird word based on a recent poll is 'tamarisk'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'tamarisk' means "Any shrub or tree of the genus Tamarix, the species of which are European and Asiatic. They have minute scalelike leaves, and small flowers in spikes. An Arabian species (T. Mannifera) is the source of one kind of manna. Tamarisk salt tree, an East Indian tree (Tamarix orientalis) which produces...".