How many characters are in the longest word on this list?The biggest word on this list is 'tuscanlike'. It is made up 10 letters.
Which word from this page is the most interesting?The most notable word based on expert analysis is 'tussive'. According to the English dictionary, 'tussive' means "Pertaining to a cough; caused by coughing.".
What is the most popular word that starts with 'tus'?When it comes to well-known words, there's 'tusks', which ranks as the 28025th most common word.
In total, how many words are possible to make using the combination requested?On this page of words that start with 'tus', we have discovered 68 effective entries which are available in total.
What's the highest scoring word in Scrabble you can play for ?Using this particular combination, the best word to play is 'tussocky' which scores 17 points.