Words beginning with 'ux'

11 results are available based on your criteria.

2 letter words

  • ux

6 letter words

  • uxoris

7 letter words

  • uxorial

8 letter words

  • uxorious

9 letter words

  • uxorially
  • uxoricide

10 letter words

  • uxoriality
  • uxoricidal
  • uxorilocal
  • uxoriously

12 letter words

  • uxoriousness

Which word in particular from this list is made up of the largest number of characters?
The word 'uxoriousness' contains 12 characters.

What is an interesting word from this page?
'Uxorial' definitely stands as the most interesting word in our list of words that start with 'ux'. According to the English dictionary, 'uxorial' means "Dotingly fond of, or servilely submissive to, a wife; uxorious; also, becoming a wife; pertaining to a wife. [R.] The speech [of Zipporah, ex. Iv. 25] is not a speech of reproach or indignation, but of uxorial endearment. Geddes.".

How many words are possible to make using the combination of letters specified?

In Scrabble, what is the most points possible using this list of words beginning with 'ux'?
Using this combination of letters, the best word to play is 'uxorious' which scores 15 points.