Words beginning with 'yfe'

It seems like for words which start with 'yfe' there are just 2 words.

5 letter words

  • yfere

6 letter words

  • yferre

What's the best score you can get in Scrabble from this list of words which start with 'yfe'?
As there are only possible, you're forced to use 'yferre' which scores 12 points.

How many letters are in the largest word on this list?
The largest word is 6 letters long, which is 'yferre'.

Which word from this page is the most unusual?
The most unusual word from this list is certainly 'yfere'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'yfere' is defined as "Together. See Ifere. [Obs.] As friends do when they be met yfere. Chaucer.".

How many words can you put together using the specified combination?
You can go with up to 2 entries.